DA SHENG INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO., LIMITED was established on 04-Jun-2014, CR No. is: 2104548, The company is live now, The company belongs toCompany. As so far this company has running for6 Years 9 Months 1 Week 3 Days.
DA SHENG INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO., LIMITED. DA SHENG INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO., LIMITED was incorporated on 04-JUN-2014. This company is now Live. Their business is recorded as Private company limited by shares. As so far this company has running for 6 year(s) 316 days.
Get contact Information of SHENG TENG INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD. from taiwantrade.com. Sheng Da International Trading Co., Limited was incorporated on 27 September 2010 (Monday) and as of 12 December 2015 (Saturday) is a Struck Off NZ Limited Company. SHENG DA FOOD PTE. LTD. was incorporated on 21 November 2019 (Thursday) as a Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares in Singapore. The Company current operating status is live with registered address at THE OCTAGON.
Info-clipper.com brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Hong Kong Registry. da sheng international trade co., limited may may building, nathan road mongkok, 683-685 hong kong DA SHENG INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TRADE CO., LIMITED was incorporated on 30-SEP-2010. This company is now Dissolved. Their business is recorded as Private company limited by shares. As so far this company has running for 10 year (s) 146 days.
DONG E SHENG DA INDUSTRY & TRADE CO., LTD | 50 followers on LinkedIn. DONG E SHENG DA INDUSTRY & TRADE CO., LTD was bulid for Shandong Chuangxin Humic Acid Technoloy Co.,Ltd to export organic
TAI DA SHENG TRADE CO., LIMITED was incorporated on 2014-12-02 as a Private company limited by shares registered in Hong Kong. It's company registration number is: 2176003. CAMBODIAN SHENG DING INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRAIL CO., LTD. (Cambodia, 29 Apr 2014 - ) inactive Hong Kong Ding Sheng International Capital Management Co., Limited (Hong Kong, 9 Sep 2016 - ) inactive DING SHENG QIAN QIU INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., LIMITED (Hong Kong, 30 Aug 2012-5 May 2017) DING SHENG INTERNATIONAL DA TONG VENTURE CAPITAL CO., LTD. Discover the wide range of from AliExpress Top Seller Sheng Da Trade Co.,Ltd.Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide! Limited Time Sale Easy Return.
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There are 519 da sheng trade suppliers, mainly located in Asia. The top supplying country or region is China 2 India shipments available for Da Sheng International Trade Co., Ltd. Fecha fuente de datos Proveedor Detalles; 2017-06-16 India Export Shipments OPLUS MOBITECH INDIA PVT. LTD. RE-EXP.FOR REJECTED GOODS WIDE BOE NO.99 54474 DT.04.06.17-ONEPLUS 5 MIDNIGHT BLA CK 8GB+128GB INDIA A5000 2017-07-13 India SHENG DA HUI TRADE CO., LIMITED 晟達輝貿易有限公司 was incorporated on 14 May 2018. It is a private company limited by shares . Shareholders and directors Sheng Da International Trading Co., Limited was incorporated on 27 September 2010 (Monday) and as of 12 December 2015 (Saturday) is a Struck Off NZ Limited Company.
Info-clipper.com brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Hong Kong Registry. da sheng international trade co., limited may may building, nathan road mongkok, 683-685 hong kong
DA SHENG INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TRADE CO., LIMITED was incorporated on 30-SEP-2010. This company is now Dissolved. Their business is recorded as Private company limited by shares. As so far this company has running for 10 year (s) 146 days.
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The Company principal activity is in GENERAL CONTRACTORS (BUILDING CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING MAJOR UPGRADING WORKS). BANG DA SHENG TRADE CO., LIMITED was incorporated on 24-APR-2018 as a Private company limited by shares registered in Hong Kong. The date of annual examination for this private company limited is between Apr 24 and Jun 04 upon the anniversary of incorporation.
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DA SHENG INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO., LIMITED was established on 04-Jun-2014, CR No. is: 2104548, The company is live now, The company belongs toCompany. As so far this company has running for6 Years 10 Months 1 Week.
Address: Room 307-22, 3 Floor,Building 2, No.130 Jiushui East Road, Licang District, Qingdao, Shandong Province,China Phone: +86 15376893880 Email: shengdate@126.com Find reviews, opening hours, photos & videos for HK SHENG TENG INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO., LIMITED in Mong Kok. TEL: 27935 Search on Infobel for other companies in the category in Mong Kok. Rongsheng International Trade Co., Ltd.is established in 2016, Rongsheng International Trade Co., Ltd. is in full charge of purchasing and marketing business of up-down streams raw material of Rongsheng industry chain. Shenyang International Trade Co., LTD is a leading manufacturer and exporter in electronic tools industry since 1992. The headquartered is in Shenyang and the factories are located in Ningbo. we are engaged in every aspect of electronic tools industry, including research and develop, manufacturing, marketing and sales.